Our team combines deep market knowledge with advanced account intelligence to craft personalized outreach that builds relationships and drives qualified leads from high-value accounts.

trusted by companies like you

Gartner B2B Buyer Journey

Relying on volume and automation has opened the door for quality.

Today’s buyers are overburdened on all communication channels by an uninformed and disorganized barrage of outbound messaging. Industry and sales expertise are the answers to executing effective outbound campaigns and creating quality pipeline.

ABSD: The key to building pipeline for complex tech, in enterprise markets and saturated markets.

For tech companies selling complex solutions to enterprises, the Account-Based Sales Development (ABSD) model is a perfect fit. Traditional SD struggles with generic outreach to a broad audience. ABSD allows for deep dives into target accounts, personalized messaging that resonates with enterprise pain points, and strong relationship building that cements long-term deals. This shift in focus from quantity to quality outreach is key to success in the enterprise market.

Traditional SD


Broad Outreach


Lead Conversion

ABSD Model

Account Intelligence

Persona Identification

Relationship Building

Account Conversion

Our Approach

We’ve adapted ABSD principles to create a nimble sales development strategy that focuses on validating a repeatable process for building high-quality pipeline through research, high-tough engagement, sales qualification and performance measurement.



Account Intelligence

Building target account lists based from firmographics, technographics, intent and organizing key stakeholder relationships around the business challenge.


High-Grade Qualification

Using MEDDIC-based and Solution Selling methodologies to derive key qualification criteria, bring latent pain to the forefront to properly identify and stage SQLs.

Multi-Touch Personalization

Omnichannel and 1-1 outreach with heavily researched messaging to engage in multiple personalized touchpoints with key stakeholders for relationship building.


Tiered Analysis

Reviewing how industry segments and personas are performing to identify which business cases are resonating, which channels are engaging; iterating and pivoting.

Account-Based Sales Development (ABSD) is a strategic approach ideal for B2B tech companies, particularly those selling complex solutions in sophisticated markets. It moves beyond generic lead generation by focusing on targeted outreach and relationship building with key decision-makers within a curated list of high-value accounts.

ABSD helps B2B tech companies target high-value accounts, the ones most likely to bring big wins. By gathering intel and crafting personalized outreach, ABSD generates better leads faster. This focus on relationships builds trust with key decision-makers, leading to a more efficient sales process and a competitive edge in complex markets.

We provide fractional sales development services to quickly grow quality pipeline for companies that aren’t quite ready for a full-time hire or are looking to add expertise for a finite period. 

We focus our industry expertise and specialize in a particular form of sales development that’s best fit for B2B companies in challenging markets – ABSD. We put more emphasis on a strategic industry- and customer-centric approach that focuses on positioning unique business cases, tying the pain of key stakeholders together, and heavier degree of sales qualification to improve opportunity conversion. In short – we’re not appointment setting, we’re booking opportunities.

SPRIGHT has crossed into several industries with one common theme: our clients have unique and/or high-value business or social challenges that they solve which require a tailored approach in addition to performance measurement.

Much of our experience comes from the enterprise and mid-market technology world. This includes startup tech product companies, IT managed service and pro service firms and software development firms.

We also have unique experience with industrial, equipment and controls companies targeting enterprise accounts.

Last, but not least, we have a unique history with nonprofits growing their unique donor and program participant bases.

Yes! We’ve been fortunate to work with many nonprofits and have been thrilled to promote their causes. For our special offering to nonprofits, please visit this page:

Book a call with us today.